Our Prevention Coordinators research the latest in substance abuse, problem gambling and mental health sciences and attend relevant trainings to stay current within their field. For more information call (541) 523-7400.

Haley Hueckman
Prevention Supervisor, Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling Prevention
Substance Misuse Prevention
This program provides the community with the tools and resources to prevent substance misuse. The Strategic Prevention Framework model is used to assess community strengths and weaknesses, build community capacity, plan and implementing an action plan that addresses the pressing needs in our community (underage drinking and the rising use and abuse of marijuana by minors) and evaluate programs and strategies that are in place. The New Directions Prevention program works closely with the Baker County Safe Communities Coalition and other community partners.
Drug Take Back Program -
In collaboration with the Baker County Sheriff’s Office, New Directions Northwest, and the Baker County Safe Communities Coalition a safe and secure method for disposing of prescription medications is available for community members. The Prevention Program also offers safe storage for current medications through our Medication Lockbox Program.
Drug & Alcohol Free Community Events –
Planning, and facilitating drug & alcohol free community events. Events include Movies in the Park, Health Fairs, Yoga in the Park, Family Dinner Night, Teen Movie Nights, Teen New Year’s Eve Party, and Challenge Day and Pride Month events..
Mental Health Promotion and Prevention
Prevention and education programs for Baker County Youth
Lessons are presented to most schools in Baker County.
Social Emotional Learning-
Social emotional competence and self-regulation increase students’ school successes and decrease problem behaviors. Classes focus on teaching skills that strengthen the students' ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions and solve problems. Socially and emotionally competent students feel more connected to school, creating a healthy, safe, and respectful school environment for all. This program not only helps students in school but gives them the tools to excel out of the classroom as well.
Bullying Prevention-
Encourages positive student norms by teaching students to recognize, report, and refuse bullying. Students learn how to apply these skills when they are being bullied and when they are bystanders to bullying. By learning to recognize bullying, students increase their awareness of the problem, learn to identify when they or others are being bullied, and increase their empathy for bullied students.
Suicide Prevention-
Increases suicide awareness among middle and high school students; heighten sensitivity to depression and suicidal ideation; change attitudes; and offer response procedures to refer a student at risk for suicide. In addition, it increases understandings of attitudes and behaviors that can hinder help seeking, increasing understanding of steps to seek help for self and others, and increase knowledge of "crisis contacts" at the school for immediate help.
Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR)
QPR gatekeeper training is a free one hour training. QPR is a suicide prevention program that teaches people how to recognize whether someone may be having thoughts of suicide; how to ask the right questions; and how to persuade them to get the help they need.
Suicide Prevention Sub-Committee
The Suicide Prevention Sub-Committee consists of community partners and community members that are dedicated to suicide prevention in Baker County. This group includes area hospitals, healthcare clinics, school staff, behavioral health clinicians, law enforcement, and citizens. Through this group we are able to identify trends in the suicide prevention field, track suicides in our county, plan events to spread hope, and work together to reduce the stigmas associated with mental health.
You Matter Campaign
By sharing a simple message "You Matter" with people, especially those who are struggling, we have the power to lift each other up. Just the simple message "You Matter" can lift spirits, brighten someone’s outlook and even save someone’s life. This campaign has spread throughout the County to offer hope to all members of the community. In addition, radio broadcasts and Facebook posts have reached individuals well beyond Baker County.