Supported Employment
Supported Employment
New Directions Northwest uses a proven model known as Individual Placement and Support, or IPS. The IPS system has been well researched and is highly successful in the USA and other countries. IPS helps people find and keep a job. Long term success is the goal.
Supported Employment is focused on helping people who are recovering from a condition to find competitive employment. Even after a job placement is completed, the employee and the employer are provided with support for as long as it is needed. Please call (541) 523-7400 for more information.
Job-seeker Benefits
Assessment: Helping you to evaluate your interests, goals, and skills. Assessment is ongoing and helps you get what you need.
Job Match: A broad effort in matching your abilities and interests, to a job that meets your needs. Our Employment Specialists walk you through the process.
Benefits Counseling: Giving you access to a professional benefits counselor to determine how much you can earn and still keep your benefits.
Job Development: You are working at a competitive wage in the community. We pursue your employment choice with you.
Long-Term Support: We do not limit how much time and support we will provide you and the employer. Your success is the only goal
Employer Benefits
Matching: potential employees are matched to your job description and organizational culture. The goal is to create a good match for everyone.
Reduce Risk: participating employers receive ongoing coaching and support at no charge. The Employment Specialist does everything they can to create a successful placement.
Incentives: we provide information about the financial incentives related to hiring our potential employees.
Choices: our Employment Specialists provide your business with our data set of our potential employees.
Success: employers from around the country are realizing success by hiring people who are recovering from a disability or addiction.
Supported Employment Making a Difference
"Supported Employment has helped me grow in so many ways…”
"Currently I am 18 months clean and have a management position that includes a 401k plan as well as full benefits.
The Employment Specialist from Supportive Employment helped me with my resume, assisted in preparing for interviews and finding me appropriate clothing to wear to interviews. (Since it was winter, she helped me get a coat, boots, gloves and a scarf.)
Not only am I clean, but I have cleared up my legal issues, and I have my own home that I am paying for without assistance. In addition I have been blessed to have my kids back in my life.
Supportive Employment truly helped me accomplish the things that I thought was too hard to do on my own."
Anna L
"Supported Employment helped me have the drive I needed to hunt for a job. The Employment Specialist helped me apply and get the items I needed for work and this has made it possible for me to keep my job."
Beth S
"I have managed to meet most all of my goals and I am so happy to have this job!!! Thank you Supported Employment for helping me meet my goals."
Lacey B
Employment Specialists: Luisa and Melissa

Referral Forms
Please call 541-523-7400 with questions about Supported Employment.